It has only been four months, but here are a few thoughts.
Bread - one bite is enough, although add a little sugar and make it a muffin, very good...I'll have another.
Meat - loves chicken, asks for chicken. Roast smells really good, small portion is plenty (I get "hey mom, too much"). We've had pork chops, okay nothing special. Won't eat a hamburger. Loves eggs, mostly scrambled or boiled :) I did ask her is she has eatn dog and she replied yes...oooh. Cheese...not so much.
Potatoes - loves fried (french and otherwise). Tia made mashed for her first time, Tara ate a huge helping and had seconds (must have been starved, it's been the only time she ate them). Check back we are having baked for lunch today?? Okay she peeled it and ate it like a boiled egg (kind of like an apple) no good sour cream here.
Veggies - Oh Yes! Loves...fried cabbage, all corn, sauteed broccoli, mushrooms, sauteed peppers & onions, peas, sauteed greenbeans...but boiled not so much.
Pasta - doesn't need any unless it is attached to the word Ramen.
Rice - she didn't want any when she first arrived in the U.S. Now I make about 1 to 2 cups uncooked a week. Store in a ziploc in the frig. Tia wouldn't eat it before Tara, now she also adds it to stir fry breakfast.
Fruit - likes apples, grapes, watermelon, musmelon, strawberries, asks for oranges.
Junk Food - Little Debbies Nutty Bars, Nestles candy bars, M&M's, Skittles, chips...all kinds, gum (her choice is spearmint), peanuts, chex mix, cookies. Tara will eat pizza if she's hungry, but would rather not. Ice Cream is the BOMB :)
Beverages - likes Coke and diet Coke, diet Mountian Dew, water...Yeah, gatorade, chocoate milk for lunch at school (white I haven't seen yet).
Condiments - has to have ketchup for fries, soy sauce is good on rice, don't even try to make's yuck. If you put mayo on that I won't touch it.
Tara likes to sautee her breakfast consisting of peppers, onions, mushrooms, eggs, rice and maybe some meat. It is very good! She used way toooo much oil in the skillet to start with, but she is getting better.
I will keep adding to this post as things change.