A President of color or a female Vice President, either way history will be made. I did my Civic duty early starting my day. Tia called me and told me to fill up with gas and take a picture of the pump. She is expecting the price to go up soon. I got gas for $2.81. It is so much more doable on my pocketbook. I spoke with Jeff on the phone and he said he didn't get registered, but in our state it can be done at the polling site. So let's hope he took the time. It irritates the crap out of me that the media has so one sided the whole Presidential campaign. Journalism died in 2008. If you are a journalist you should be ashamed :(
Tara had a makeup night tonight with tumbling. I had to leave early to catch a church meeting an hour before (she thought she got to go to tumbling early, boy was she disappointed)She sat at the meeting and stared at the clock and kept giving me the look (Oh yeah she is good at it). On the 5 minute drive she would tell me as each minute passed and go faster. This from the one I couldn't get in the door the first couple of weeks.
I got a call from my SIL and we have a new baby. My nephew's partner went through a long day of labor today making me a great Aunt for the 6th time. She equaled it out with a great nephew...Jaydon Ray Chandler weighing in at 6lbs 13oz 20"...Welcome to the family!! I hope Momma gets a good nights rest. I will try to add some pics later.
The weather was once again gorgeous, now if it could only stay this way for a few months. This is my favorite time of year hands down :)
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