To start I couldn't believe how good the kids were:) They had the I-35 kids there first to be seated first. The school fed the kids a sack lunch on the bus ride to Des Moines. They arrived at the Civic Center at 11 (parents were asked to meet at this time as well). I walked from work and the first session of the ballet was just releasing. I easily found the group and joined them. We didn't have to wait to long when they ushered us to our seats. Now for the wait, the kids sat quietly visiting for close to an hour before the place started to fill up. Tara and her friends played with each others hair. The performance started at 12:30 and the place (full of 4th-5th graders) was quiet. I don't sit still very well and I knew this was the only way I would be able to watch it. It was the abridged version. I had told Tara she could leave with me if she wanted and she was pretty set that she was staying with Mrs Benedict and going back to school. I said my goodbyes and walked back to work. I asked Tara if she liked it and she said no, but I will try this question a few more times.
She truly is a Snyder and acts like her older brothers. They aren't very talkative either or photo genic.
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