Sunday, November 23, 2008

Mowing in November

It was another gorgeous day. Gene had a load of wood cut that needed stacked. I was expecting it to be cold out, but was nicely surprised. Tara came out with me and I had her pick me up some walnuts to crack. She moaned, but did it. I had to yell at Tia to get her butt outside. Once she was outside and forgot about the TV I think she enjoyed raking the leaves. Running in and out of the house - one of the house cats snuck out. They are animals and love to prowl. Tara hates them going outside. I am not sure, but I think I was being cussed out in Mandarin. I really need to learn the language. Tara and I had a pile of leaves from the last time we raked, so we threw a match on them and they were gone. After the wood was stacked I got the lawnmower out and mulched and blew the leaves out of the yard. Tara and I had to pick up several buckets of windfall apples. I hated to see them go to waste, but we use as many as we can. I'm not sure how many times I heard "I'm tired", what she is really saying is I don't want to do this can I go ride my bike?? She took off while I hauled several wagon loads of leaves out of the yard. The next time I saw her she had a towel wrapped around her head, her pjs on with her coat riding her bike. I had to yell at her to get back in the house. Ahrggg, that's all I need is another sick child. This was about 4 in the afternoon.

When I came in I worked in my closet straightening my clothes. Tara came in and wanted me to curl her hair. Wow alot different than Tia's. It curled easy and fast. Tara was fastenated with her curls. She enjoyed looking at my barettes. Gene has a small Hy-Vee semi on our headboard. Tara wanted to play with it, it is still in the box. So I took her to a bucket of the boys matchbox cars where she enjoyed seeing what we had.

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