Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Family Picture


We needed a family picture for Tara's final homestudy. This was the best we could do. We really enjoyed camping this year and made the Iowa State football games a good excuse to go camping. We went up to Ames on Friday night, enjoyed the game on Saturday and went home Sunday morning.
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Monday, September 14, 2009

The Raccoon

Not sure exactly why this big guy decided to hang around our back door. The boys were putting our new roof on. They thought the raccoon was scared of Tara's dog Barkley. It hung around for a full 24 hours. I hoped it didn't have rabies.
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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Iowa vs Iowa State

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Okay this was a sucky hot day...and it got worse...we lost. We did enjoy camping in Ames. We went down to the stadium Friday night and watched the 10pm news. We were a very brief part of the sports.
Tia was a little gaga over seeing Shawn Johnson at the game.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The First Iowa State Game of 09

For the last several years the first game of the season is on Thursday before Labor Day. I lose a day of packing and camping. We had to decide if the girls were staying home or going (it was a school night). We did take the girls and they did very well with it. They both can get very ugly when they are tired(as can't we all??) Iowa State won, but it wasn't the game I had expected. Gene still has so much hope for them, me I'm hanging on the fence (and it feels like by a thread). We met Mike and Murt to ride up in their truck. It was late when we got back to their house and when I went to start my car I realized I had ran my battery down. So that took extra time to jump start it.
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