I am not sure who likes these visits more Tia or Mom. We recieved an email the Ohio family would be in Iowa, could we get together? Well Surrrre! Okay Mo is coming up I need to plan a meeting place and time. I am the worlds worst planner. My first thought is a place that is quite, but somewhat entertaining. Tia asked for eating Chinese. I couldn't think of the name of the place she wanted to go and we ended up at PF Chang's. Somewhat pricey, but we have tried it now and know. The service was good and the food was good.
My first thought when I saw Wren was Ohhhh...she's so grown up and Fuyin. They look closer in age now.(sisters) And when Lily arrived she confirmed it, our babies aren't babies any more. Happy and sad moment all at once. Fuyin is taking Chinese language classes in school and tried to practice on Tara. She was nervous and got a little tongue tied. Tara just laughted. Then Wren practiced what Fuyin helped her with and Tara was too shy to tell them her name. This was the first year I think I can say the girls acted like they have never been apart, but hadn't seen each other for awhile. They immediately started chatting like best friends. My heart smiled!
The Mo family (the Martins) have other people they know in Des Moines, so they got a hotel downtown and the girls had swim suits and went swimming for a couple of hours. So much laughter and screaming, not sure how the dad's could take it. They must be used to it. Exchanging gifts, having hot chocolate...it was a Wonderful Day...Thanks Martins and Hellwigs!
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