On Monday Gene took the coon dog that was dumped at our house to the vet to become an it. I wish people would quit dumping dogs at our house, we didn't need another dog. My cousin that I am double related to's husbands mother passed away and the visitation was held. Our thoughts are with them! I had to help Tia with her Science test the next day. I have no clue how she can remember this stuff. For me so boorring!
Tuesday when I got home Tara was on the phone with Alyssa from New York. I don't know how long they had been talking, but it sounded like they had a nice conversation. It has been awhile since they have talked. Tara hung up on her last time. I wrote a check for Tara to take to school for lunch. I left it for Tia to give Tara. When I asked Tara if she delivered it okay she had me lost in the conversation. Something about a pink ticket (from video rentals??)We heard from Uncle Greg, he needs information on the alumni football game.
Wednesday Tia had tumbling. Each nite I have been telling Tara we have to go. She put up no fuss and came into the gym and watched Tia. I brought the game gear and she played while she watched. She even thought I needed to learn the game. (if I haven't with the last 4 kids, I don't think I will with this one)she then tried to teach Laura Beeler. Laura thinks as much of the games as I do, but had fun with Tara. Tia was having a bad night with being mouthy...ooooh. Tara's teacher called before bedtime and told of a story that they had worked on in class. It was about their favorite place or thing to do. It was riding her bike to Grama Snyder's and feeding the chickens. Now she is so wound up, I'm not sure she will go to bed. We had just finished her math homework. She totally does not get the concept of a word problem in math. Explain that one??
Thursday, each day I have been trying to ask Tara what she was wearing. It's picture day. She would shrug her shoulders. If I'd have known I would have ironed her shirt. Hope it doesn't have to many wrinkles. Tia thought she needed a grey shirt under her sweater, but worked around it. Hope that gum stuck to Tara's face came off.?? Tonight is Tara's tumbling night wish me LUCK :)
Okay, I feel good about tonight. Tara made the usual "do I have to do this gestures" in her way. I said yes come on and she got in the car.(No leo) oh well. I told her she had to come into the gym and watch. She threw her book on the floor of the car and started to slam the door, I caught it. I had the kids on the trampoline and she was in the bleachers. Tia came over and said look Tara's with Sue...Yeah! She didn't make it to the trampoline, so after class I let her jump a few minutes. Tia was mad when we got home cause Tara stayed up until 9 how terrible.
Friday we made another evening of it shopping and eating out. We headed to the local Chinese restaurant. The girls were in, so we had a good visit and Tara gets to use her Manderin. Then we head to the grocery store and stocked up on fruits and veggies. Also a treat of some kind, Tia chose beef jerky and Tara gum. Tia needed a gray shirt for phys ed so we headed to Wally World in the rain. It is swampy out. Tia wants to know if it is thanks to hurricane Ike??
Saturday was cleaning day. Since we didn't have plans for Sunday we were spreading things out. It was an overcast day. Marcia called and wanted to know if we wanted to work apples on Sunday. Needless to say chores didn't get done.
Sunday we finished laundry in the morning and headed to Aunt Marcia's after lunch. Mom was there and lots of buckets of apples waiting.
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