And all is well! We have had so many positive moments, where to start.
Our new daughter took all the family stuff like a champ. She got to meet brother Jeff, it took a little bit, but she finally warmed up to him. We talked about getting a sitter for visitation and decided against it. I took her hackysac and she entertained everyone. (brought smiles to some sad faces) She took everything in stride and did as the rest of the family did. Although I could not get her to wear a dress, I knew my dad would not have cared. At the funeral dinner she wouldn't let me fix her plate. It was interesting what she chose. 3 Bean casserole, jello with fruit, cherry tomatoes and lays chips. She ate the fruit in the jello and put the jello on another little kids plate (too funny)
Tia had softball tournaments Saturday. Gene ran Curt to the KC airport, the girls and I went to the game. Everyone wanted to talk to Tara, she wanted to talk to no one. It was probably close to an hour before she warmed up to a sister of one of Tia's teammates. She also took a liking to ones little brother (age 2)-- she was motherly to him. That was nice to see. If he got out of sight she went after him. Tia won her first game and we had lunch waiting for the second game. Tia had a macho nacho and I thought Tara might like a hot dog -- wrong. She threw it on the ground and stomped on it. I did find out she loves Doritos.(a new flavor for me, sweet & spicy) We also shared our first diet Dew. She also drank alot of water, which I was glad to see. Tia also won her second game and we have to play again on Sunday. It is double elimination. As soon as we hit the door, Tara goes straight for the pj's. I went to the garage to get the mower before it rains again. She wasn't happy I left her in the house with all those nasty cats. She has learned to do alot of stomping to keep them away from her. LOL!
Since she still has her cough, I think it best she doesn't go back to the ballfield. She spent Sunday with Dad at Aunt Marcia's. I heard she ate a good dinner of fried chicken and corn, she skipped the mashed potatoes. She was on the four wheeler checking the hay with dad when we got home from the game of which Tia's team took first place. Way to go Girls!
We got Tia's old bike down in the garage. You should have seen the smile, it was huge. The tires were flat, but we had to take a spin around the garage. I needed to get groceries, but ended up airing the tires and going round and round in the driveway.
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