Wow did I have a hard time rolling the girls out of bed this morning. It is our last full day in China. Heavy Sigh! Those who have been trough this process know the roller coaster of emotions. Yesterday homesick, today not wanting it to be over and leaving. I had our guide ask Tara if there was anything from China that she would like to take home. She told Cordelia she didn't know what she wouldn't be able to have at her new home. For this I am sad :(
We were able to visit with Stefanie and her little one Shephard at breakfast. I am in aw that this is number 8 for them. The holidays will be so great with a full family. Maybe a little caotic, but so blessed.
The girls quickly changed into their suits and we headed probably to the pool for the last time this trip. THe girls being older no enough to stay away from the edge, but I can't imagine having a toddler on the 9th floor pool. It closed at noon, so we headed back to the room to clean the leftovers out of the frig. And cool off. We actually saw enough sun today, I got sunburned and Tara has a swimsuit tan.
It is almost 2:30 and time to meet Cordelia for a 30 minute bus ride to the consulate.
Cordelia met us at the Victory and we walked to the White Swan to join a bus load. Our bus held about 20 families and guides. Both Tia and Tara fell asleep on the short ride. It was very warm. I did't take the camera, they aren't allowed inside. After about 40 families went through the security check, a gentleman from the US spoke to us and listed all the states accounted for in the room (several) Ohio is big on adoption. He had us raise our right hand and say "I do" to all our paperwork being truthful. While we waited for all the families to file in, the girls and I had a quick game of war. Before we put the cards away Tia had the most. We then did the return ride back to the hotel after being given the brown envelope that goes to the Minneapolis airport customs officer. Tara had alot of smiles for people today that asked her if she was going home. I think she's ready, she told Cordelia she is planning on sleeping on the big plane. (let's hope)
Cordelia came back to the room with us and played a quick game of volleyball with the beachball, of which I will be donating to her 2 yr old daughter. She also helped Tara write names on the back of the pictures we had developed of her friends. It will be fun to track down their parents, some already in the states. We were suppose to meet Carla, her son Logan and new daughter Tiana for supper at Lucy's. Tia was starving so I shot Carla a quick email and headed for Lucy's. Tia ate half of Tara's chicken wrap, half my chicken strips and half of a pork chop & rice dish. Wow. I made the girls look for Carla and we found her before we left. Just a quick visit, my girls aren't very patient. We have a picture of Tiana for you.
We have a 4:30 wake up call for bags to be picked up at 5 and on the way to the airport at 5:30. Ugh! The bags are packed and waiting at the door--to just add the pj's. Hope they fit!
Thank you all for following our journey we are almost ready to begin another one in the US.
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