What a trip, it wasn't an easy one, but so worth it. Cordelia helped check us into a early flight. Tara's first! All went well, then for the 3 hour drive (China driving, Yikes) We were nicely surprised at the good roads, with the exception of curves every quarter mile, Tia came from a mountain. Luggage and all we were packed into a mid sz car. The driver was listening to a CD (I would like to have)and we had air cond. MinJun met us at the hotel Chinese Oversea and helped us check in. She had ask them to prepare a meal (which was around 1) Once again our new daughter couldn't get enough to eat. We only had the option of chopsticks or fingers. LOL, we survived! It had been arranged to visit the orphanage first. We met the director and all the nannies that cared for Tia, they were so excited to see her. We presented some gifts and Tia was given a gift of a hand made scarf, bracelet, fan and small purse. We visited and I tried to hug each of the babies there, not very many. They have a 1 month old & 6 month old cleft affected, 1 little boy with birth marks(very minor), 1 spinal bifada, 1 waiting for heart surgery, 1 little girl is waiting for her family to finish a paperchase, 1 has excess hair on her back and so needs more TLC. DH checked my bag before we left to make sure I hadn't abducted one. We were invited for supper with the director. I was the only one that did't eat much. I am not a seafood person, so only dish was (I think) Ox & noodles. The girls and I made it a early evening, Gene and Curt took a stroll with MinJun and toured the streets.
At 8 we had breakfast at the hotel (not the Victory), then headed for The Tian Boa Temple where Tia was found. It was an hour drive on some not very easy roads. We got to see the true China. There are alot of dogs, oxen pulling plows, small fields, mushroom houses, rice patties(hard working people). They were excited for us to visit and ask us to have lunch with them. This is not usual, so we were very honored. And to say the least it was delicious. Also we were very hesitant at first (not sure what we would be eating). It was a good trip and we were very glad to have made it.
Tia was found at the front gate early in the morning when the monk opened it. They cared for her until someone visiting contacted the Gutian orphanage to come and get them. There have been 9 babies left at the temple and Tia has been the first to return. We were given the gift of a jade necklace and bracelet. I will probably now be in search of the other babies as they may be blood relatives to Tia.
Ater supper we once again toured the streets of Gutian, hard to believe all the people out and about. We stopped at a dept store and purchased some snacks. Tara picked out meat sticks and oreo's. Yep you said it oreo's. MinJun's husband helped Curt buy a bottle of wine $4US. Tia was getting tired, so we called it a night to be ready to get up at 5 am for our flight back to Guangzhou. As much as I would have liked to stay longer, it is nice to be back at the Victory.
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