Remember the airport shots are at 5:30 AM China time, with driver Mr Li and Faith guide Cordelia Chen. A Big Thank you!
For those who have done the trip, I have seen enough airports to last me a very long time. We entertained the other waiting passengers for our flight playing with the hacky sac (getting some exercise while we could). Guangzhou made me mad :( I threw away the water that the hotel sent with us for breakfast unopened. Before we boarded I bought a water and a coke Olympic can for a souvenir after we handed our boarding passes they checked bags and made me throw them away -- again can unopened. Tara has a cough, so she took a Benadryl and was out for most of the trip. We did play a game of war with cards half way through. She is very good with the card numbers, but she also knows how to cheat. Probably did the wrong thing, but I let her. While waiting in Minneapolis for connecting flight to Des Moines she plainly told me "get up Mama, Please". Again wanting to entertain the waiting passengers with hacky sac. Guess how tired I was?? I will make a complaint of Northwest Airlines (for the most part they were very good) But we made our reservations at the same time and I am traveling with two little girls and they had us all over the plane. Most people were kind enough to trade places and I thank them all greatly. It was appreciated by all three of us.
After reaching our destination, we were met by baba, Grandma C., aunt Marcia, cousin Tricia, Best friends Murt and Mike and last but not least Tara's favorite brother - Curt. Hey guys, it's the only brother she knows right now. Something also wonderful was an interpreter. She was very good with Tara and told us our daughter was very happy. She wanted a shower and to eat! imagine that.
We were also greeted with sad news. While in China my dad passed away. Since I was alone with the girls they kept the news from me. They did the right thing--it had to have been hard on them. The next couple of days will be quiet here, unless it helps with jet lag :) It isn't the way I wanted Tara to meet all her family. Sometimes we have to make the best of the situation. My dad was very excited with us adding to the family and you just always think they will be around. With both our folks gettin up in age you always know it has to happen, it's part of life.
For my dad you would have loved Tara, she has alot of spirit and spunk. She is playful and ornery. She will miss getting to know you. All my Love your daughter.
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