This was the first day we slept in until 7, wow! Tia and I were both in shock when we looked at the clock. We went to breakfast and then met Cordelia to go shopping. Tia said how much she missed her dad, I reminded her how much he hates to shop. We took a taxi first to the electronic market. We started with DVD's and got Tara a "Tom and Jerry" cartoon and me some traditional Chinese music. Tia had a meltdown because it wasn't all about Tia. I told Jeff I would check on a Wii. Cordelia did her homework and told me the Wii is cheapest in Hong Kong, but made in Japan. We found several and they were $275 US. If the girls wanted clothes we didn't have money for the Wii. Tia did pick up a couple gameboy games. We ask Tara if she wanted a gameboy and she was not interested. I should have bought batteries, because my charger hates the converter in the bathroom outlet. Before we left the hotel I gave Tara a dose of Robitussin, so she was a zombie for the first couple of hours. While Cordelia did an adoption transaction via fax during shopping, we waited in McDonalds. Tara ordered corn and chicken nuggets with hot chocolate. >can't get that in the States. Tia had spicy chicken wings, I stuck with a cheeseburger. It's finally time for clothes and we take a taxi from the electronic market to a strip mall. Tara fell asleep and Tia moaned (she wouldn't use the squatty potty at Micky D's). She soon found out she should have, the next squatty potty wasn't so clean and she could no longer wait. Tara picked out a couple of things and Tia picked out a couple of things and we were all happy. We then walked about 5 blocks back to the hotel, by way of street markets, alot were selling puppies. Hmmmm.
For the first time since we have been here it hasn't rained. The girls were excited we headed to the pool. Tara was a little shy putting on her swimsuit, but it fit pretty good. We had to walk 2 blocks to the main hotel and up to the 9th floor. The pool was on the roof top. Tara jumped right in and found out it was deep, yikes. Tia and I both jumped in after her. It didn't scare or slow her down in the least. I blew up an inner tube and held her until she felt safe, which did not take long. She slipped out of it a couple of times, but she just kept on swimming. After an hour they had had enough and we headed back to our room to change. I had not exchanged any money and the bank was closed. When I was with Curt he used his ATM and got RMB. I tried and they told me no, so no playing tomorrow we just have enough to eat on. A busy day, we should sleep good tonight.
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