We had a great holiday. I hate to see summer go, but we have a fun year ahead. So far school is going fine. Tara is still smiling and likes going. The teacher says she has to tell her not to blurt answers when she knows them first (mostly math). Gene was on vacation last week. We all planned on going to the football game on Friday. Tia decided she wasn't going, Tara said she wasn't going if Tia wasn't. If they stayed home I would stay home. Then Tia decided to go and Tara still did not want to, so Tara and I watched Miss Congeniality. Welcome to a day in my life.
Thursday night Aug 28th was our first Iowa State football game of the season, they played South Dakota State, we won 44-9. It was a beautiful night. Gene picked the girls up early from school and met me at our friends house in Altoona. Their girls watched our girls. It was Jeff's birthday so I picked up a cake to have after the game. Happy 22nd Birthday Jeff!
Saturday we loaded the camper and headed for Lake Thunderhead in Missouri. It was funny Tara looked at the pickup (single cab) looked at me and said 4, I said yes and named us off. Then she said no and counted seat spots in the pickup. Then I laughed and pointed to who was setting where. It was tight, but we aren't huge people and it works. I tried to put my seatbelt around her and I both and that wasn't happening. My brother and his wife and 2 granddaughters were also there. Tara and Katlyn seem to hit it off. All the kids spent alot of time bouncing on the trampoline. I will do alot of thinking about this for x-mas. The water was a little cool, but the kids were in for a brief swim. We had supper around the fire. I picked up corn on the cob, we soaked it in water and sacrificed it. Some spots got a little well done, but it was very good. Tara went with Casey and watched a movie in Murts bed. When we decided to go to bed we had to turn the TV off and send her to our camper. She hopped right in with Gene. I ended up in the sleeping bag. We are looking for a larger camper and then probably a larger pickup. Tia had ask a friend to go with us, it worked out she had to go to her grandmas. (5 in the truck would have been pushing it)
Sunday we loaded the boat and piled in the truck (Mike's truck) and headed for Rathbun. It was very rough, so didn't spend alot of time. It was fun to see our camping spot so close to the waters edge. They still have the road closed, but the water is not over the roads (in our area) although loop E in under water.
Monday was cleaning the camper to put it away for the winter. Plus belated birthday cake for Grandpa. Happy 80th Birthday Grandpa!
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