It was our second game and Tia wanted to go. The first was a school night and she needed to go to sleep earlier than the game would have allowed. This one was also a night game, but Saturday. On Wednesday I called and got her into the Cyclone kids club. This game they were going to let the kids down on the field to watch the players run out. Dad was just as much or more excited than Tia, cause he got to go too. She really didn't need a chaperone, but didn't mind having him tag along. Also with her ticket she got to eat at the kids club tent. While we were there we collected signatures from alot of the girls basketball team. During halftime in the ladies room we ran into Tia's second grade teacher Mrs Beeler (now Tara's p.e. teacher) and then visited Tia's home-ec teacher who is a grad of ISU. Tia tried to sell magazines, but didn't have much luck. We played Kent State (Ohio) and won, it was a good game (Kent State won last year).
I worried what to do with Tara. Gene wasn't ready to take her to the game. I was going to have the girls at the Chinese restaruant talk to her but that didn't work out. Grma Snyder said she could stay with her, but Tara would have been wondering the whole time what time we would be home and I'm not sure she would go to sleep for Grma. Kase, Kelse would watch her, but they had softball and soccer. Jamie to the rescue! He said he would watch Tara and Bailey during the games and get them back to Murts. She was in bed with Kelse when we got there. I think she had a good time with them.
Jeff decided to go to the UNI game and Curt was in Rota, Spain. (We broke on thursday so me and one of the pilots went to Gibralter. We took the tour and played with the monkeys. It was pretty fun. We should be home in 24 hr. dpending on the weather on the east coast. I guess a tropical storm, Hanna maybe, is blowing through the Chesapeake. I bought a new phone the day after so if you didnt get ahold of me that pry means I was flying.) Curt had tickets, but sent them to his friend Jarek.
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