Just not house cleaning. Tia had her first basketball game Saturday. They played two games, the first was with a team that has girls with natural sports talent (we refer to it as stacking the deck). The second was with Tia's classmates (I-35 has 2 sixth grade teams). She lost the first and won the second. She had invited Chey home after the game, the original plan was to drop her home on our way Christmas shopping. Well plans are made to be broken, she ended up riding along on our shopping trip. She's such a sweet kid, she was able to get her mom and dad something on our outing. Gene bought his own present plus something he and his dad will benefit from. For me and the girls this was buy for the great nieces and nephews. We didn't get everything done we had intended, the weather is very, very cold. We got home early; Gene and Tia watched TV downstairs, while Tara and I watched Elf on Big Bertha.
It has been really hard keeping the house warm on a day like today. I am glad there was no new precipitation. I brought home some left over shrimp from work and am learning how to cook with it. We tried garlic shrimp, it had a little to much lemon...even so it was good. Then shrimp scampi, Tara liked this best. Tia and I both liked fettuccini shrimp alfredo. Gene turned his nose up at most of it. Oh well can't please everyone.
Tara let me take her down for the first time today. Probably only because I had to take Tia down first, she just makes it so easy. Tia can be such a loveable doll when she wants to. (this is a tickling fest :)
The girls weren't excited about putting their laundry away, but got the task done if they wanted the table to eat dinner. Tara tried to wash her first load of laundry. She loaded her coat and snow pants, put the softner in the wash tub and soap in the softner spot, turned the button to time and didn't know why it wouldn't start. I gave her E for effort and showed her what she should have done. Next was getting Big Bertha to the basement. I enjoyed watching it and will miss having it on the dining table. I don't venture to the basement very often. Might give me an excuse to use the treadmill??
The girls put their clothes on after dinner and went sledding. I told them since it was so cold they couldn't be out very long. The dogs and cats tried to join them. they may have been cold, but it warmed my heart:)