Thursday, July 17, 2008

Record Day

I was a little confused on this one. We were playing with the translator again. And Tara ask me "what record day?" I asked her to tell me more about record. I seems she wanted to know what day it was. She thought it was Friday and it was only Thursday. She also proceeded to tell me I had worked enough this week and needed a day off. LOL! I loved this one. I don't think work would go for it.

We did have a problem today. Tara got grounded from riding her bike on the road. We live on a gravel road in the middle of nowhere. She laid her bike down and left it laying in the middle of the road. A neighbor went by and seen it laying there, thought the worst. But it was just an abandoned bike.

Tara got to see our tumble gym today. We were able to get a new used trampoline and it was time to set it up. Tara enjoyed jumping on the tumble tramp that we added to our gym a year ago. It is St Charles reunion days this weekend and the kids will do a short performance on Sat afternoon.

The Interstate 35 baseball team is doing awesome. I usually get to a game, not this year. Yet anyway. The boys play at state Friday at 1 weather permitting, if they win Gene wants to watch them play on Saturday.

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