Saturday, July 12, 2008

It's Been One Month

Wow has time flown! It has been a very busy month. Gene and I were talking this morning. He ask me if I loved Tara when we first met. I said no, I don't believe you can love someone you do not know. But we both agreed we do love Tara now. It really did not take long, but for me it was after we returned home.

Not fair! Gene announced he was leaving for work last night. I yelled by, since I have a cold there haven't been many kisses. Tia yelled wait and took off for hers. Tara just kind of looked at me. I said come on and followed Tia, Tara watched as Tia got a big hug from Dad. I asked if she wanted one and she got a huge grin. I opened the door and yelled at Gene he came back to the door and he got a real hug! I'm still waiting. I chase her and tease her with the word hug, so it has become a game.

We used the translator for the first time last night. She ask if we could meet with auntie again. I ask if that was the translator at the airport and she said yes. Tara gets frustrated with the handheld translator. I think I washed the phone number, but Grandma also has it, so we will ask her.

She grabbed me and said come. She stopped me at the steps to the front door. She hopped on her bike and took off, she is a little shakey. But she has been up and down our road a zillion times now. It was funny when she tried to do it with the umberella, cause she wasn't stoppin just because it was raining. She ate a bite of lunch and hopped back on the bike. The jacket has been off and on, off and on. It is unusually cool today.

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