It is our busy time at work, no time to be on the computer not work related. Trying to get the garden caught up at home and Tara hates me on the computer. I love to journal, because I know my memory is short. I don't want to forget these first few days with our new daughter.
Tara is feeling more comfortable writing on the translator. Her comments are usually short. I was boiling eggs tonight and she got all excited. Gene wanted meat salad. I mix bologna with eggs and mayo. She wouldn't have anything to do with eating it, but loved helping make it. She did eat one of the boiled eggs.
The garden. She loves helping, it is so much fun watching her. I had planted two rows of green beans before we left for China. A month later I am trying to find them in the weeds. OH MY! It has taken us a week of evenings but we have found most of what was planted that grew. We enjoyed eating some sauteed green beans. We have a zuchini almost ready, tomatoes are huge but still green. We may try to plant green beans for a late picking. Tara disappeared after supper, when I made it out to the garden she was out there hoeing away. Tia and I pulled and Tara hoed and cleaned up our weeds.
As for my cold and coughing. Uhg! I went to Walgreens for lunch today. I explained I had 10 days of bronchitis medicine and then a Cpak and still have mucus not stop. She gave me a 12 hour pill for mucus and cough. I think I have found my voice again. I have had such a squeak. I am saying my prayers they work. I am not really tired with the mucus, but the cough is annoying to me and everyone else. It sounds as though I am trying to cough up my lungs and feels it too. I read an email today that one of the families that came home from China after us as garadia. Gene joked maybe he had it, then admitted his was from the gazillion apples he eats from our tree in the yard. Tia gave me a bill today. She said she would help me collect Tara's poop. I still haven't done this or figured out how to. She eats as many apples as Gene does, so I will be surprised if she doesn't have loose stools. I got to tell you Tia is kind of expensive, but I may take her up on it if I can't get it done.
I am not interested in any of the evening tv that is on, so we pop in a movie. I think Tara watched RV with Robin Williams a week straight, she loves it. We went school shopping last weekend and as we passed a movie rack she pointed at Robin Williams on the cover for another movie. We have everything she needs to start school except her p.e. shoes. We will get them in a couple of weeks on vacation. I don't know Tara's history with Disney, but she likes Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast and Tia tells me she really likes the Little Mermaid as well as Mulan. I enjoyed 101 Dalmation with her (movie version) she was glued to the screen.
Jeff called tonight, he was grocery shopping. He tried to carry a conversation with Tara. She just wanted to mimic him. Wasn't much to listen too. We had rain today, so no garden work tonight. I am enjoying the break.
Tia read her first love story, a Danielle Steele. She is ready for more :) I hate to see that she is growing up. She acts way to old for her 11 years.
I almost forgot a funny. Although I am sure the cats aren't laughing :( Tara has trimmed all the cats whiskers. Oh My! Not sure why?? We have told her not to do it, so we will see if they grow out or continue to be short. We haven't caught her in the act, but know it was her.
I had a couple of books for Tara, we pulled them out Sunday and started them. I thought Tara was going to finish both right then. One was connect the numbers or alpha, the other was tracing and learning to write the alpha. She seemed to enjoy them. Then we moved on to an Ice Age puzzle. We did it together and it was fun.