Tia had her clothes packed on Monday. We didn't leave until Saturday. Tara knew something was up, but wasn't sure what vacation was. She took my hand led me to her dresser and started pulling clothes out. We took more than we needed, but we will know for next year.
Gene had oats that needed combined, Jeff had to work Saturday and Sunday and Curt didn't fly in until Monday. Ugh!
We were suppose to check into our cabin on Saturday. So the girls and I drove to Lake Thunderhead, a two hour drive to Missouri and met our friends Mike and Murt. We rode to Tablerock with them and their daughters. We had a good trip, Tara slept most of the way. We stopped at Wal-mart and grabbed some groceries before heading onto the cabin. We left Lake Thunderhead at 7:30 and arrived at Tablerock at 4:30. I forgot to mention it was in the 90's and the airconditioner decided to not work. Yikes! The girls carried a whole two things to the cabin, one of which had their swimsuits and headed to the pool. Kase and Kels slept with Tia and Tara the first couple of nights since our guys weren't there.
It was stink'n hot and we spent alot of time in the water. That wasn't even very refreshing, the water was also stink'n hot. Tara thought it was fun to play with dead fish floating. Ick!
We were told that not all boats could drive under the Kimberling City bridge earlier this year. The rope swing had a mark by it that showed it was down about 9 feet from April 08. It was really high! The ledge we usually walk on was under water and the swing was only 4 ft off the water.
Joe and Jame got up each morning at 5:30 and went fishing arriving back around 10. My sister likes fish and had a cow each time they released their catch. None of which met the keeping requirements. They took Tia one afternoon. They were impressed at her concentration and she caught the last fish. Too bad it was only about 5" long.
Breakfast each morning was at my sister's cabin. She was ready and brought drop cords and electric skillets to cook on the picnic table. With the exception of one day it was bacon, eggs and toast. Thursday we had sausage gravy and biscuits.
We learned last year with Tia that sun screen is very important, but how do you make a 10 year old that doesn't fully understand English understand. Well we had world war 3... I wasn't letting her go swimming until she put it on and she hit, kicked and yelled. We scared everyone in our group away from our cabin...It wasn't pretty. We did this for an hour of which the sun was finally going down and I gave up. Tara wouldn't use the translator to explain. She was being just plain stuborn. I had bruises. The other kids later translated to her that she needed to be nice to her mom. After supper she came to me and asked for sun screen. Hymmm. I took her to the window showed her "no sun" and said she could go swimming. After that it wasn't so bad. I did feel alot of the time I was getting the cold shoulder. As much as she wants us for her family she is still keeping us at a distance. I will be so happy when the wall comes down.
Gene and the boys didn't make it down until Monday bedtime. By Tuesday Gene had figured out he needed to put a primer on the jet ski to keep gas in the lines. Wednesday the Kawasaki dealer told him to bring it in, but it wasn't done until Thursday. It worked and needed to be done two years ago. It should save on batteries and starters. Yeah!
Tara hops right on the tubes and isn't scared at all. She did take a good fly through the air and was done, but was laughing.
Murt was able to get Tara to wear her bikini that was a gift from Denise. We didn't have the heart to tell her her bottoms were wrong side out.
We visited Diane and Larry on Friday. They own a motel/restaraunt by the State Park Marina. They had some good stories and a picture where water was going over the dam. This was the first time that all 10 gates were open and it did cause some flooding in old Branson. Curt and Jeff have learned you don't take a jet ski for a 3 hour tour. Kenzie learned you wear shorts on a jet ski.
I hate to say this but it has been more than a month since we got home and I still have the sinus crudd. My coughing is driving everyone nuts. As much as I don't want to I will probably be going to the dr again this week.
Tara told me her favorite part of vacation was the food. We do eat very well. We do pot luck and share our dishes. We also ate supper Thursday night at Captain Hook's. After the meal you get picture props to have a little fun with.
Curt was flying on a voucher (he tried to buy a plane ticket for his brother to come home for Grandpa's funeral) They let him fly here on it from Pennsylvania, but Kansas City wouldn't let him use it to fly home. He was suppose to leave Sunday morning and ended up buying another ticket and leaving at 4 Saturday afternoon. Hope it worked out okay. We enjoyed having him with us. We were a group of 32, from Iowa, Delaware, California, Virginia, Arizona and Montana.
Our car was at Thunderhead and so Tara and I rode home with Mike and Murt. Tia rode with Gene. When we arrived at Thunderhead Joe and Jame were asking Tara about her pets. She was naming them all and started to get excited she hopped in the car and said let's go. We were on our way home at 5:30, I talked to Gene and he said swing by Rathbun and check to see how high the water was. We did and our road to our campsite we will stay for Labor day was closed. After going to the bathroom we started for home. Tara started to get additated. I thought maybe she was hungry and we were a good 45 minutes from fast food. She started to cry and I drove faster. At Russell she tried to get out of the car. OMG! When we got to Chariton (fast food) she yelled NO - Home. My baby was homesick and wanted to go home. If I let off the foot peddle she yelled more. Needless to say it was a long trip that wore me out. You never seen a bigger smile when she saw home :)
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