We had a busy evening last night. Tia had Amber stay Sunday evening. When Gene got up he took all the girls to Ambers to swim. I stopped on the way home to pick them up. They were tired from swimming and I could tell Tia was a little grouchy, moody whatever. Gene had picked most of a gallon of raspberries, so Tara and I rinsed them and got them bagged for the freezer. It was fun watching her eat them as she cleaned them. I jumped on the mower and then Tara and I weeded the garden. Tara picked the first meal of green beans. She disappeared to the stove to prepare them. I was trying to find her softball pics and we started reminiscing over pics of our meeting one year ago. I still haven't got that "I love you" or the heart warming hug, but I know the bond is there. Would I do it all over again...you bet!!
Sunday she asked me to put her hair in a ponytail...I did. She went and looked in the mirror and came back to me pointed to her head and said "what the heck", I thought I was going to crack up. I never said it would be perfect and I couldn't see whatever she was seeing.
Tonight was another first. I took the girls raspberry picking. Tara doesn't pick very fast, but she stuck with me. While Tia was being ate alive by mosquito's and took off back to the car. Tia had more gooseberries and mulberries than raspberries:)
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
4th Place in the Loosers Bracket
It wasn't the way most of Tia's team had expected the season to end, but the last team we played that had a really lousy season came to play...and play they did. We had a variety of weather. We started with sun burning hot to cloudy, misting and chilly. Grandma Chandler got to see the first game and Tia's team won. We had close to 2 hours between games and ran home to cut Grandma's hair. Tia had me throw her a few balls to practice hitting. We got a kick out of watching her try to do this feat on her own. Since it had been so hot Grandma decided she better not attend the next game (we may have lost our good luck charm), we lost it (we had a few quiet tears, Tia hates being the last out at the end of the game)and had to play again in which we won. Aunt Kathy appeared to watch and I forgot it was my turn for concession stand duty. We had to play at 10AM Sunday and made it a quiet evening. Sunday morning was our last game, they gave MstM's the 5 run rule to start off the game lousy. The 4th inning was our turn for the 5 run rule, but they had given up some other points. They rallied, but it was too late. I had concession duty again at 3, so we stuck around and watched the rest of the games. Tia and her team that stuck around kept the score board. They were excited to be paid with a free pop, chocolate and jolly ranchers from the team playing. On Saturday Tia was introduced to a coach from a travel team. They will be loosing some of their girls and was looking to recruit Tia. Sunday she was invited to practice with them. I'm not sure she wants to play fallball??? I'm glad she had the chance to try the team on for size. Tara is a trooper thru all of this. She loves watching the game and is an excellent fan. She knows the score and can tell you what the girls did. She also likes to tease the coaches. We had the opportunity while Tia was practicing Sunday to play catch with 3rd to first. We've decided she needs weight lifting, her little arms just can't quite make the needed throw. Pitcher is next on Tara's list and she can get a few where they need to go, but needs to be able to keep going.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Going to 5th Grade
Doing things alittle different this year. Really neat idea :) We had an appointment with the principal and teacher Tara will have for 5th grade starting Aug 2009. We were originally suppose to meet at our house and Tia ended up having a makeup game. It was then rescheduled for this week and Tia was again in Truro for practice, so we met them at the school. It worked out well, Tara couldn't be distracted and we got a tour. There is no set plan for her to catch up on her English/reading, but they sound like they will do whatever is necessary to keep her moving forward in positive motions. Tara's biggest concern was recess of coarse. She took everything pretty much in stride and seemed to feel comfortable with her new environment. Phys ed in middle school the kids change clothes and take showers, she wasn't crazy over this idea. We'll see :)
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Possibly the Last Wk of 2009 Softball
Jeff helped Gene mow hay Monday. I think Jeff has been missing the farm. He sure would like Grandpa Chandler's air conditioned tractor. That was the only complaint I heard. It is very hot and humidity was tipping the needle to ridiculous. Jeff had to work Tuesday, so took off for CF at noon. Gene worked on the hay and was almost late for work finishing baling. Plus he finished just in time for more...you guessed it rain. Ugh! I wanted to weed the garden and Tia's game (last regular season) was rained out. Now to make it up?? We have to watch driving the pavement the roads are starting to buckle. As I was coming home from work there was a thunder storm running parallel with me. It was weird! The temps dropped 20 degrees in minutes...what a relief, but now the storm. Tara has had a note on the frig since the end of April first of May. An invite to a bday part on June 23. We had a name and address, but no phone number. So I stopped on my way home from work and ask if they were doing something today. I think it was already over, but they said Tara could come play for a couple of hours. I think she had a good time, but was ready to come home. Happy Bday Kyleigh!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Father's Day
And Father's Day it was. I had to have the sleepover girls home early Sunday to spend with their fathers. I made lunch and invited Gene's folks. After lunch the girls let Gene take a short nap and then it was softball, swimming and games. What a good and busy dad. I loved it! Jeff came home for a couple of days and my yard looks great! Curt called, he is remodeling still and leaves Monday for Germany. Hopefully a short stay and then home to Iowa for a visit. I am not holding my breath. But maybe crossing my fingers.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
A Busy Week
The week of June 15-19 was busy. Monday we finished mowing and laundry from the weekend. Tuesday Tia played ball against MstM Blue, I had concession duty so didn't see much of the game. Tia's team won. Tuesday was against the other I-35 team. Tia's team won. Thursday we traveled to Norwalk for an early game at 5:15. Coach Jim gave Tia and Tara a ride to Norwalk. It was the hottest day of the summer and the girls looked wiped. Tia's team won again, but it didn't come easy. We hung around after the game and watched the other Norwalk team play the SEW team. At this point we (Tia's team) had first place, SEW had second and Norwalk had third. Tia is suppose to play one more game in Truro next week, one practice and then tournaments (with home field advantage). Didn't work two years ago, let's cross our fingers we can do better. I had an early out at work Friday and went home to get Gene. The car was being worked on in Indianola and we needed to pick it up. It rained like a son of a gun...I mean torrential. I had thought I would catch some garage sales, but didn't want to fight the rain. So I got up Saturday and met my mom and Doris. We didn't find alot, but enough to make it fun. Tia had Hailey spend the night Friday and I picked up Brooklyn Saturday to stay with Tara. We went to Tara and Brook's first Cubs game. I think they had fun :)
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Twin River Softball Champs
What a fun way to end the season. We were suppose to start the tourney Friday night. Gene had the girls almost to Milo before the game was called due to rain. We got the message later in the evening that we would play 11 Sat morning. The girls and I ended up highlighting our hair Friday night. After Tara and I made cupcakes to share with her team. She did a great job of going to bed on time and set an alarm clock to get herself up.
By 11 I thought the fields would be alot dryer, but it misted on the way to the game. Tara's first game was with MstM's Gold, we won 14-3. It was 3pm when they played their next game against MstM's Blue. It was a tough game, but we did it 4-1. We came home and tried to mow some yard, but it was still plenty wet.
It was a long day today. We started the morning playing I-35 White. There wasn't a lot of action, but I-35 Red won. Riley had a good hit. She probably wouldn't have got past first, but they over threw and she made it home. Just to be called out at home. The Ump said she needed to slide. The odd thing was there was no one else close to the plate. He just said it was a rule. One father stated his feeling (nothing obnoxious) and was told to leave the park. (he only said what we were all thinking) We forgot to share our cupcakes Saturday, so pulled them out now. They really hit the spot (glad it wasn't hot yesterday).
The next game I-35 White had to play MstM's Blue and we would play the winner of that game. If it was MstM's and we lost we would have to play them again. We cheered on the other I-35 White team, but they lost again and were done taking 3rd place. MstM's is an equal team to us and it could have went either way, we parents were glad we didn't have to play that last game. I-35 Red won 5-1. The team received a big trophy and each player received a smaller trophy. The girls enjoyed dumping the cooler of ice on Coach Brian and he was a good sport with the girls. He told the girls he had been dreaming of this day since his daughter Riley was in the 2nd grade. Glad they were able to make it a reality. Great Season Girls!! (Tara's first ever) A thank you to big sis Tia for going along and being part of the cheer team. Tara is so much like all her sibs. None of them like listening to their mom to give them advice on how to play the game. heavy sigh.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
The Week Of Softball
Tia's night for pics at St Mary's
Tia plays 3rd base
Tuesday night we were in Churchville. I had the afternoon off and thought I would be able to mow yard. Gene had a leak in the truck fuel tank, so I picked him up at the repair garage. It rained on us the way home. Ugh!! The girls game did not get cancelled. It was a cool afternoon and evening. Tara's team won 8-0 and Tia's team won 11-0. Wednesday was a makeup game for Tia in Lacona. She didn't think they would win, MY WORDS...STAY POSITIVE!! I emailed Grma and she met us there. Gene had to take Tia to Lacona, I couldn't leave work early enough. Tara was dressed for tumbling and didn't change, duh Dad?? I emailed Sue earlier in the day to let her know we couldn't make it. (I like these practices, it is fun listening to the kids tell about their experience at competition) By the way Tia's team beat Lacona White 6-5 in the last inning. Thursday we were in St Mary's. I did leave work early, told the girls to be ready and waiting. I would pull in and won't get out of the car. There is road construction and it takes extra time. We took gravel roads and made it just right. Tara's team lost their first game, what a struggle 1-2. The St Mary's coach had a problem with our pitcher (who takes pitching lessons and is very good for her age) He was trying to find fault with her and it threw her game in the beginning, which got us off to a bad start. Tia's team got off to a good start and ended with a win of 16-8. They had a good hitting game and pushed everything to the limit...and sometimes passed. Friday starts Tara's tournament in Milo. Gene has to have Tara and Bailey Haggard there at 4:30. I will be flying low to make this one on time.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
AAU State Meet inWaterloo
A good Trip!! Since competition was in Waterloo (originally Cedar Falls) I signed Tara up for state competition. If you participate at State you are eligible for The Iowa Games in August. The bad news about that is we take a family vacation out of state that week. We have a new camper (new to us) so we took it and stayed at George Wythe State Park. Tara's first competition was on the trampoline at 2:45. We watched other teammates preform, things were running a little behind. Watching Tara practice for many weeks, she had a good competition pass. She just needs to get some height. She placed 9th. We didn't have to wait too long for Double Mini. Tara doesn't have alot of strength in her legs yet, so this won't be the best she will do. She placed 5th. We need to build her muscles :-) We met Jeff after work at Hy-Vee and went to his place for an hour. Back at the camper I played Tara a quick game of Triomino's. Gene checked out the TV. On the way to Waterloo it was rough and the tv bounced out of it's spot. (it still works, whewww)
Sunday during breakfast again I sat off the fire alarm making bacon. The battery in now in the drawer. We took our time getting around and headed to Waterloo East High for tumbling at 11. Tara was to be there at 11:30, things were running pretty much on time. She watched the other girls and seen what she needed to do. She got 3rd place with Courtney Titus from our team getting first. Way too go girls, good job!! We again headed to Jeff's for an hour before heading home.
Tia stayed with Mattie, Mattie was having a b-day party. Mattie got her a little longer than planned, but it is a very long drive to Cedar Falls/Waterloo.
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