Thursday, January 22, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy

Sunday was basketball with Tia in the high school gym. The middle school gym had open gym, so Tara went down there and played. Worked more on taxes.

Monday was basketball with Tara and Tia. While Tara was practicing, Tia was getting into trouble. She and a friend were playing ball in the library, not sure what the library was doing open, but she was wrong.

Tuesday was basketball with Tia in the high school gym. It was also sign up for softball, so got the girls signed up.

Wednesday was tumbling for Tara and Tia, it wasn't quite as cold this week. Yeah!

Thursday was tumbling for Tia...Tara does such a good job watching. She gets a little restless sometimes, but is never unbearable. I tried to go b-day shopping for Tia. Not sure what to get?? I can't believe she turns 12 on Sunday. Dropped off supper for the Young family. I was hoping my girls would help me cook, but we haven't been home long enough.

Friday...what no activities, I can't believe it :) Oh I forgot the house needs lots of TLC...

Saturday is tumbling exhibition in Lamoni at Graceland college, pool party and pizza. Usually a fun day!

Sunday a basketball tournament in Indianola for Tia and Truro with Martensdale for Tara. Can we do them both?? When's Ice Cream and Cake??

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