It was a sleepover weekend. Tia had a friend Friday night, they got out of school early for end of qtr. Each of the girls called to check in and it sounded like they were having a good time.
Tara had her first basketball game. She didn't get to play much, but it looks like she has a good idea of what she needs to do. We had to be in Earlham at 9:30, Tara played at 10 and Tia not until 1. I like watching the games, but the bleachers get mighty hard after a few hours. Tara's team lost 12-7. I wish I could say Tia's was that close. Earlham had a couple of girls that couldn't miss. They would trip flop the ball in the air and it was 2 pts. I'm being sarcastic...kind of. Her score was more like 30-10.
We brought Brooklyn home with us to stay alnight with Tara, Tia went home with Hailey. It was fun to watch Tara introduce Brook to her home. She showed her the washroom how cute is that. They played outside in fresh snow, played Blokus and Sorry. I had Brook show Tara how their family plays Sorry, it was quite a bit different than we play. Here's where ones interpretation comes in.
After dropping off Brooklyn, Tara wanted to know when Tia was coming home. I quizzed to see if she wanted us to go get her and she replied with she didn't need an American sister--she wanted a Chinese sister...Ouch! I ask her to please be patient with Tia, she really can be a good big sister, she just needs more time. Tara keep telling me she was tired, but she didn't get up till 10. You'd think 11 hours sleep would be enough, well I guess not because after lunch she took a two hour nap. We did have a couple of late nights last week with tumbling and basketball.
Tia is at basketball practice now and needs to be at tumbling in a half hour. This schedule is way too tight for comfort. Both have the same season (same short season) :)
Tia got one hour of basketball and it looked like good stuff to learn. She was late getting to tumbling and the other girls were hitting right on. I sometimes wonder if we aren't being fair to the two events. BUT they both give pleasure. The bag routine is coming along great, Tia is hot pink this year. They are going to try an exhibition on Friday at the high school basketball game.
Tia wasn't very endearing when we were traveling between events. She was not happy that Tara and Brook played her Sorry game. Ugly was a good word. She was only making what Tara said...very real. :(
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