Wednesday, April 22, 2009

First Game

I left work in time to make supper, but when I got home and read the phone bill I had to call customer service. There was an extra $30 on the bill. Seems someone was using the phone number on the computer to answer questions on the internet and it was sucking money. Not just a one time claim, they wanted it monthly for nothing. Technology, Ugh :(

Tia had a bye, so her team practiced. Tara's team played Martensdale St Mary's. Tara got new socks tonight, Riley's mom wanted to know if she could get wild ones. Wild they are, they are tye dyed. Tara wore her game clothes to school, so she was dressed ready to go. She put her shoes in her bag. It is getting nice outside, but it is still cold, I had her grab her sweatshirt and sweat pants. She took them off during the game, but by the end of the game the sweatshirt was back on. Tara played left field, the first ball hit came to her and she did a nice job fielding it. Coach Brian was patient with her, but she let two good pitches go by. By then she did swing, but no connection. I think she got up to bat 4 times and struck out 4 times, but she made connection a few times that went foul. I can't wait to see her at the end of the season. I-35 Red won this one 4-2. Yeah!

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