Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July Camping

It is one of my favorite holidays. Since I was 9 years old I have camped at Rathbun. I had the 3rd off, so we headed to the lake Thursday night. Tia had her friend Cheyenne go with us, so I took Tara to work with me. I wanted company on the ride. It was fun and she got to meet everyone I work with. They had fun asking her questions. We talked to Gene on our ride to the lake and they hadn't even left home yet. Tara and I killed an hour at Dollar General in Albia and still had to wait. Luckily Marcia and Mom were down there to wait with. Mom had fried a chicken and we ate with them.

Friday I took inventory of the pantry and we ran to town for groceries. It was suppose to be my 30 year class reunion, but I couldn't make myself go. Not sure why. It started raining around supper time and rained clear thru Saturday lunch. We hopped from one camper awning to the next. It didn't rain in the afternoon, but was cloudy and started again in the evening. They still did fire works.

1 comment:

ethereal said...

Honey Creek resort in Rathbun Lake is the best summer experience. I've been there last month when I visited my hunting land in Iowa. I love hunting big bucks and whitetails in Iowa. There are lots of hunting lands for sale in Iowa.