Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Camping the 4th of July

Wow, Tara actually posed for the picture and smiled:)
The holiday went really fast. Gene took the camper down to the lake on Thursday. He was dripping sweat. It was high 90's and 100% humidity. Friday was better, I had to work. Tia called Rachel and Raegan to join her. Raegan was able to go and we picked her up on our way to lake Rathbun. It was 8:30 I think when we finally made it. Dumped everything from he car in the camper and went socializing. Saturday seemed to go slow. We were meeting Jeff in Knoxville to get Kaylan to babysit for the night. Murt rode with me, Kaylan (age 1) chatted with us most of the way back to the lake. The weather Sat was perfect, we woke up Sunday to overcast and mist most of the day. Gene worked most of Saturday on the farm. He made it down in time to run the girls to the shower house. Kaylan went down for bed at 10:15, she fought as long as she could. She slept clear through until 7am. Tara was happy, she loves to play games and Denise got a game of train domino's going. Kaylan's entertainment was a Gatorade bottle/lid and rocks. Tia and Raegan was on every boat load for tubing. I hope Raegan wasn't overwhelmed with my big family. The weather was nice to pack up. Cassie and Kaylan headed for Michigan and Jeff rode home with us. Tia wanted to drive. She did a good job, but Jeff drove from Leon. We stopped for our ice cream break. We dropped Raegan off, Tia thought she should drive from Truro. I couldn't see changing drivers, which didn't make her very happy.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wow Time Flies

I see it has been a year since I last posted. I am surprised I remember my password. We have had some moments to remember and so this post.

Tara was baptized and confirmed at church Sunday. She has been taking confirmation classes since September. I thought confirmation classes were a six week coarse. Well this was 6 months. I kept telling Tara it shouldn't be too much longer. She was having to split basketball and confirmation classes in half to work it all in. On the next to the last class the minister told the kids it was completely their decision and no one should pressure them into it. Does anyone want to stand in front of people for anything. Well sure, but not shy people and he didn't have a clue of the out he was giving her. She had immediately told him she was not doing it. Gene and I strongly suggested this was the finish to what she had been doing for the last 6 months. Her friend had taken the classes with her and she finally decided if Sadie would do it, she would too. I knew that there would be a ceremony at some point and was trying to decide how to dress her for the occasion. With it being close to Easter, I was trying for whites or pastels. Tara is very picky with the design of her clothes and the only thing she could find was a simple white t-shirt. I suggested white jeans. She told me it would be the only time she wore them. I ended up on a shopping spree without kids and picked up a pair of white capri's and a sweater(navy, white and peach) to go with her t-shirt. She also had found a pair of white flats for the occasion. The pants were a little small, but she looked nice. Getting a picture of the occasion as usual was a challenge. Heavy Sigh!