Saturday, January 23, 2010

Tia turns 13

We are very indecisive people. Tia wanted to have friends over, this was the only thing for sure. She wanted to see a movie, but nothing was showing that she wanted to see. The only close pool is at a hotel, they let kids swim for 2 hour slots. No one could find their suits. Bowling...guess what, they did that yesterday for a behavior party at school.

Tara had a basketball game against Panora. They had an awesome game 27-5. Everything just clicked and it was so much fun to watch. Tara asked Carlyn to spend the night with her. She paced the floor until she finally showed up.

Tia looked pale and I wasn't sure she should have company. We warned all the moms, but the party when on as scheduled. It was rainy and a high of 43 degrees. The roads are a muddy mess.

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