I pulled weeds in the tomatoes and then decided to check our sweet corn. Tara went with me as I pulled the wagon. It is ready. We loaded it until it wouldn't hold any more and Tara pulled as I kept it in the wagon. I put her and Tia busy shucking and I started washing and cutting. Up until this last year it has been Tia's favorite vegetable(now I think it may be green beans). Gene planted the corn in an odd spot and he didn't think it would produce anything. We would have had alot more if the dogs and coons would have stayed out of it. We were able to get maybe 20 pts which will taste very good this winter. Tara thinks we should just buy fresh all year. She tried to cut the corn from the cob and decided it isn't an easy chore. I was getting kind of grouchy by the end of cutting. I thought I would get salsa made Friday night, I finally got it done Sunday. I was given several peppers, different kinds and I was too chicken to see whether they were hot or not. I was told I had hot and mild banana peppers. The only ones I knew what were, were the jalapeno. I was going to take a picture of how large my tomatoes are this year and Tia decided she would use her head for a guage. Too funny!
Tia had a sleepover Saturday evening. She is being moody and couldn't decide whether she should go. There wasn't anything but work at home. I told her she might as well. it started at 3 and she took off with her dad to haul hay home. She also was trying to get out of hanging laundry up. We are having beautiful weather again and we like to hang our laundry out to dry. I took two phone calls wondering where she was. Meanwhile Cassie called to see if she could stop. When Tia heard, she was going to stay home to visit...10 minutes later after I had called to give regrets she's ready to go. Ugh!! When I dropped her off they were in the middle of a scavenger hunt, her partner had high hopes of winning.
Cassie was here when we got home and visited for a couple of hours before heading to her grandparents. I drove her to the highway, it was getting dark and her drive is long enough without getting lost. Cassie and Jeff enjoyed the day at the State Fair. Jeff headed back to Cedar Falls to be ready to work Sunday.
Marj called and Bob's cousin's will meet in Murray Sunday for dinner. The boys were small the last time I saw Tom and Polly. They had met Tia one day while I was working. They live in Illinois. They all have August birthdays, so there was ice cream and cake to celebrate.