Sunday, May 4, 2008


I received a call from Mryiam on Wed April 30. I had written her a couple of emails asking questions and she called me to answer the questions. We usually correspond by email, so was a little surprised with the call. At the end of the call she said she was expecting a pkt from China on Friday, not to get my hopes up, but she was hoping my letter of acceptance would be in it with some travel approvals.
It was month end and I always have a full day of work. It is a little hard to concentrate when you are filled with anticipation.
Thursday I got as much done on my desk as possible before lunch and headed to Curves for some exercise. When I returned the phones were ringing off the hook, I answered one and had a call waiting. I love caller ID the word Faith was on the phone, my heart skipped a beat. Mryiam had good news she had received a packet and all it had in it was our letter of acceptance, she would overnite it and I should sign it and get it back into the mail quickly for TA. Yippeeee!!
It's Friday and I warn the guys I get the DHL person when they arrive. I explain why and let them know I would like a picture for posterity. DHL usually arrives at 10 and it was hard not to watch the door. It was 10:45 when he finally arrived, he asked for my signature and I told him not until I was ready. I ripped open the envelope, signed what needed signing and added our passports to the return envelope and gave it back to Mr DHL man and then signed for my pkg. Faith should have it on Monday May 5th. Thanks Eric for the pics!

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