I kept having this feeling that our family was not complete. Gene and I spoke on different occasions of adopting again. I started watching waiting child lists, I knew you were out there I just had to find you. I started watching these lists in December of 2005. It took me until June of 2007 to find you.
Tia is 10 and needs a sister. She is very jealous of you. She is not excited to share her mom and dad. She has no idea what a great sister you are going to be. Tia wanted to be the big sister, so I was watching for little girls with birthdays between 1997 and 2000. Tia is from Gutian, Fujian Province and was adopted through Holt International. Shortly after she joined our family I joined a yahoo group. This group connects families that have children from Gutian. One of my Gutian yahoo friends helped me find adoption agencies that are trust worthy. I emailed each of them and ask to see their waiting lists. I had inquired about a little girl that was 7 and it wasn't meant to be. By the time I was ready to write my letter of intent, the adoption agency told me another family had already spoken for her. I then found you. You were a siloutte of a picture with the birthdate of 10/16/97 the adoption agency had you listed as Martha.

You have 3 brothers. Tim is the oldest and lives in Eugene OR. Tim likes to move around and is sometimes hard to keep up with. He likes living where it is warm. He just got a new job, he likes to grow plants. Curt lives in Dover DE and is in the Airforce. He owns his home in DE, so it is a good place to vacation, but a very long drive. Curt hopes to travel to China to meet you. Jeff is still in college, going to the University of Northern Iowa. His major is in Criminal Justice, he would like to be an Iowa State Trooper.